Bears are waking up in Kamchatka

From time to time the inhabitants of the peninsula report that they saw the toed in the woods far from the settlements. Meetings with these animals are always undesirable.

The Main Directorate of EMERCOM of Russia for the Kamchatka Territory is reminded that compliance with the so-called “bearish security rules” will help to avoid the risk of accidental encounters and possible problems with bears:

  • Get preliminary information about the territory where you are going to travel.
  • Bears do not like any surprises, unexpected encounters. Fright and stress provoke an attack. Move through the forest, reporting your presence with noisy cues, singing, etc.
  • To walk better in a group – a large number of people frighten a bear, and the noise from the company is heard from afar. If you have children with you – keep them always close or in sight.
  • Do not bring untrained dogs with you. A dog frightened by a bear will bring it to you.
  • Arrange halt only in open places with a good overview. Carefully follow the cleanliness of the territory, do not leave food waste after yourself.
  • To scare a clubfoot can be a ringing of metal objects, shouting, clapping, rockets.
  • Categorically you can not approach cubs. Noticing them, immediately go as far as possible – next to a ferocious teddy bear.
  • Avoid in the forest areas with high grass and mugs. Move to open places.
  • When you see a bear in the distance, do not approach it. Carefully leave this place, go around it by side.
  • Do not move through the forest at dusk and at night. Night is the time of the bear!
  • While scaring the bear with shots, do not try to shoot at the bear itself. Bear-podranok even more dangerous!
    “You can not run away from a bear.” Try to remain calm, slowly retreat, as if backing away.
  • Do not turn your back to the bear.
  • Regardless of the size of the bear, its behavior and appearance, treat it as a formidable and powerful predator, with unpredictable behavior.
  • Do not fish where the bears are fishing.

If the situation poses a threat to your life or the lives of others, if you are in trouble or witnessed an accident, you need to call a single rescue phone number: from fixed phones – “01”, from mobile phones – “101”. By phone “101” you can call from all mobile operators, the call is free anywhere in the Kamchatka Territory.


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