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New tsunami warning system to be tested in Kamchatka

New tsunami warning system to be tested in Kamchatka
Jan 15, 2025
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Maxim Shcherbina supervises a project to create deep sensors that provide local protection for the population in tsunami-hazardous areas of Russia - Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Primorye.

As reported by the organizers of the "Leaders of Russia" management competition, the time interval between a tsunami-hazardous event and the arrival of a wave on the coast for Russia does not exceed 20 minutes. 10 of these minutes are spent on making a decision about the alarm signal, and the population has no more than 10 minutes to evacuate. Therefore, the issue of a local system for warning the population about the danger is especially acute.

"The solution may be bathymetric sensors that are installed on the continental slope and the edge of the shelf at depths of up to 400 meters in possible directions of tsunami attack. We hope that this summer we will test the sensors in the waters adjacent to the Kamchatka Territory," said Maxim Shcherbina.

According to the scientist, the protection of each settlement will require the installation of 3-7 sensors depending on the profile of the bottom and coast. They need to be changed every five to seven years. According to calculations, in Kamchatka, pop-up sensors will warn the population at least 15 minutes before the wave arrives on the coast.

Photo: kamchatinfo.com

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