Feb 2, 2025
Rescuers recommend not to approach the volcano.
According to scientists, seismic activity is increasing on Bezymyanny, the temperature of the thermal anomaly in the growing dome is growing. In this regard, the probability of a strong eruption in the next month has increased.
Ash emissions up to 8 kilometers above sea level are possible. Volcanic precipitation cannot be ruled out in populated areas of the Ust-Kamchatsky, Bystrinsky and Milkovsky districts.
"Rescuers strongly recommend that residents and visitors of Kamchatka refrain from visiting the vicinity of Bezymyanny volcano within a radius of at least 10 kilometers," the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations reported.
A week earlier, cameras installed at the seismic station recorded the glow of the giant's dome. Then dozens of earthquakes were registered in the area of the volcano.
The height of Bezymyanny is 2,882 meters. It is located next to the Klyuchevskoy volcano. The nearest settlement is the village of Kozyrevsk in the Ust-Kamchatsky district, which is 49 km away. The distance to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is 338 km.
The volcano was considered extinct until 1955, when on October 22, to the surprise of scientists, its eruption began. Until March 30, 1956, it was moderate. However, on this day, a strong explosion occurred on the volcano, the height of ash emissions was up to 40 kilometers.
The 1956 eruption was one of the largest on a global scale in the current historical period. In memory of this event, Volcanologist Day is celebrated on March 30.
The last time Bezymyanny erupted powerfully was on July 25 last year. The ash cloud rose 12 km above sea level. A pyroclastic flow descended along the eastern slope, ash fell in the Kronotsky Reserve, and small ash falls occurred in the villages of Atlasovo and Lazo in the Milkovsky District.
Photo by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Kamchatka Territory (archive).