A complete catalog of sources of the Kamchatka Valley of Geysers was published

In the illustrated catalog, which came out to the 77th anniversary of the opening of the first geyser, almost 400 pages provide exhaustive information about the number, location, nature of eruptions, peculiarities of the appearance of geyserite structures and the origin of the names of all geysers and boiling springs located on the territory of the biosphere reserve.

Also, readers will get acquainted with the history of research of the rarest natural phenomenon in Kamchatka, starting with the opening of the first geyser on April 14, 1941 by the employees of the Kronotsky Reserve Tatiana Ustinova and Anisiphor Krupenin.

“For the first time, a catalog was compiled containing the most complete list of the main geysers and boiling sources with indication of their location, a specific image and a brief description. The directory can be successfully used as a guide for all visitors of the Kronotsky Reserve and the Valley of Geysers. It is also possible for its useful application by specialists in monitoring the activity of geysers and the state of hydrothermal activity of the geyser hydrothermal system, “says Viktor Sugrobov, a scientific consultant of the book, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences.

The book is the result of ten years’ work by Andrei Leonov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, son of the famous Kamchatka volcanologist Vladimir Leonov. Collected and systematized information about the main objects of the Uzon-Geiserny area of ​​the reserve the author began after the descent of a powerful landslide in the Valley of Geysers on June 3, 2007, when some sections covered a mass of stones and mud, while others flooded the waters of a new pond lake.

Uzon-Geyserny district of the Kronotsky Reserve is a living ecosystem where the landscape changes constantly during volcanic and hydrothermal processes. Metamorphoses occurred during the creation of the catalog. In January 2014, in the upper reaches of the Geyzernaya River, another powerful landslide came down, which provoked a mudflow. As a result, the Geyzernoe lake, which was formed after the June 2007 landslide, virtually disappeared, new geysers and boiling springs appeared. They also entered the directory.

The catalog was highly appreciated by specialists and was unanimously approved for publication by the Scientific and Technical Council of the FGBU “Kronotsky State Reserve” and the Scientific Council of the FBBUN “Institute of Volcanology and Seismology of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences”.

“In addition to geysers and boiling springs, there are many other, often no less spectacular manifestations of hydrothermal activity in the Kronotsky Reserve: steam and steam-gas jets (fumaroles), mud boilers and mud volcanoes, hot lakes and thermal areas and, of course,” ordinary “( non-boiling) hot springs. Their systematic description is still waiting for its turn, “the author of the book, Andrei Leonov, writes.

You can buy the catalog in the ecological and educational center of FGBU “Kronotsky State Reserve” at the address: Elizovo, ul. Ryabikova, 48. Phone for reference 8 (415-31) 7-16-52.


In the whole world there are only five large geothermal fields, where dozens of spouting thermal springs are compactly concentrated. This island of Iceland, Yellowstone National Park in the United States, the North Island of New Zealand, Chile and the Kamchatka Valley of Geysers in the Kronotsky Reserve.

Kamchatka valley is a gorge up to 4 km wide, 400 m deep and 8 km long, along which the Geysernaya river flows. Over 6 km from the mouth of the river, more than 50 geysers are concentrated. Here you can see pulsating boiling springs, warm lakes, water and mud boilers.


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